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Showing posts with label Health Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Problems. Show all posts
Hello 2009
Photo: Evil Erin
Diarrhea is a horrible illness, which thankfully in most cases, lasts around two to three days. We often assume that suddenly experiencing an uncontrollable urge to empty our bowels is because we’ve got food poisoning, or else caught some horrible, contagious virus.

While these are two of the most common reasons why people suffer from diarrhea, there are a few others you may not be aware of.

Salty Peanut

Finding out your child has a peanut allergy can come as a shock and will be a cause of much anxiety for everyone concerned. Suddenly, making healthy food choices becomes a daunting task.

In an era where much of the food we consume is processed, it can seem that every food label warns against the possibility of nut contamination, even those that don’t have nuts as an ingredient!

Despite the 99.8 percent success rate of the combined contraceptive pill, accidents still happen. Why is this so? Many times it’s because the woman has simply forgotten to take a pill, or perhaps she’s left it too long before taking it. Although a missed pill can be taken later than the regular time, there is still a time limit. Any later than this and she may be unprotected from becoming pregnant.

This article explains how to take the contraceptive pill and discusses the most common reasons why it may be rendered ineffective. Read more >>

Gone are the days when a pregnant woman could happily eat for two without stressing over every morsel consumed. Nowadays, we are far better informed regarding the nutritional requirements for a healthy pregnancy and which foods a pregnant woman should and should not eat. Surprisingly, orange juice, usually considered a healthy drink, can pose a potential risk to a pregnant women and her baby.

Plane Jet lag can ruin the beginning of your holiday, leaving you unable to function properly for days after landing at your destination. People suffer from jet lag after flying long distances.

However, it isn’t the distance traveled that causes jet lag symptoms. It’s crossing different time zones. And, as our body struggles to adapt to the different patterns of light and dark, it leaves us feeling groggy and disoriented and it can take days for some people to properly adjust. I’m all too familiar with the debilitating effects of jetlag.

33/365 Down with the SicknessColds and flu both can both make us feel extremely ill and they do share many symptoms. However, they are not the same. Although many people who are suffering from a bad cold often claim they have the flu, in reality, this is unlikely to be the case. Those who have the flu will find it almost impossible to move from their beds, while cold sufferers will be able to struggle into work (probably spreading their germs!). Read this article for more on how you can tell the difference between a cold and the flu.
Looking after your teeth is just as important as your health. Most of us are fully aware that eating too much sugar is likely to result in cavities if we're not careful with dental hygiene. However, it's not only unhealthy food such as cakes, sweets and ice cream that can ruin your teeth. There are a few healthy foods to watch out for which are just as capable of wreaking havoc on your teeth.

Here are 5 healthy foods that can wreck your teeth.

Binge drinking is a growing concern pervading all sectors of society, from stressed out, high income earners to the unemployed. And hardly a day goes by without newspaper reports detailing the alcohol-fueled antics of drunken teenagers, rampaging through city centers. But what sort of toll is binge drinking taking on their health?

It's not the best news for soda drinkers. But results from research carried out by the University of Miami, appear to suggest that drinking soda could put people at higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as a heart attack or stroke.

Although diet sodas may help preserve the waistline, those drinking them were no less likely to succumb to vascular conditions.

Overindulging in too much food or alcohol is a common cause for indigestion. But suffering from abdominal cramps, bloating or nausea on a regular basis can make it difficult to function properly in everyday life. Treating an upset stomach could be as easy as making a few dietary changes. This article has some useful tips for treating and preventing stomach upsets. Read more >>
017-365It’s quite incredible to think that a single sneeze is capable of expelling an average of 40,000 droplets while reaching speeds of up to 90 miles per hour. As such, it’s probably fortunate that we’re unable to see these microscopic disease carriers.

But even if you’ve managed to reach for your Kleenex in time, it takes a lot more than your tissue to stop a sneeze in its tracks.

Salmon Dinner-2The American Heart Association recommend we should eat at least two portions of fish every week, but many of us don't eat nearly enough. Fish is an excellent source of valuable vitamins, minerals and healthy fats. It's also delicious, versatile and can be cooked in a variety of ways. While fish has several important health benefits, there are a few risks to consider when choosing your fish. Read more >>
Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS, is more common in women than men. It produces unpleasant symptoms such as bloating, stomach cramps and diarrhea, often as a result of eating certain types of food. Many women report their symptoms worsening during menstruation and also while under stress.

But what happens if you become pregnant when you're an IBS sufferer? Pregnancy brings its own list of digestive problems including morning sickness, heartburn and indigestion. This article provides helpful advice for pregnant ladies who also suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Read More >>
Heart disease is the number one cause of death among men and women in the United States. And one of the leading contributors towards heart disease is cholesterol. It’s well documented that high cholesterol is strongly associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease including heart attacks.Therefore, it’s important that individuals take an active part in keeping cholesterol levels within healthy limits.

While low blood pressure doesn’t generally pose as much of a risk as high blood pressure, excessively low blood pressure certainly isn’t ideal either. Very low blood pressure can cause several unwanted symptoms which, if left untreated, can lead to further problems. It’s impossible to know what a blood pressure reading is without being monitored. However, there are some symptoms to watch out for which may indicate low blood pressure.

head lice, photo by Photo by Gilles San Martin Head lice aren't discriminatory insects. Although they’re most commonly found among children, they can affect anyone at any time. They’re not harmful, but may cause intense itchiness to the scalp and can be notoriously difficult to eradicate.

 But, they won’t clear up on their own, so you must take steps to remove head lice. They're found in all types of hair - short, long, clean, dirty, straight or curly. Head lice cannot jump or fly. Instead they pass between people through direct head to head contact by walking along strands of hair.

Would you recognize the signs of a stroke if you saw them? It's worrying that not many people do. With strokes accounting for around 137,000 deaths in the U.S. each year, they are the third most common cause of death in the U.S. and the second in the UK.

Knowing what to look out for could make the difference between life and death as every second counts. There is however, an easy way of remembering how to recognize the early signs of a stroke.
Breast feeding should be a time of immense physical closeness for mother and baby. However, there are times when stress and anxiety seem to inhibit production of breast milk.

New mothers undergo enormous physical and emotional changes after the birth of their baby. Not only have their bodies undergone a traumatic ordeal giving birth, they now have responsibility for this tiny, helpless infant, dependent upon them for their every need, most importantly, milk.

Bruises comes come in all shapes and sizes and are often quite alarming in appearance. They’re most often the result of a knock or bump, but any trauma to the skin, such as an operation, can also entail a fair amount of bruising.

Children are notorious for suffering from bruises. Their rough and tumble play leaves them susceptible to getting knocks and bumps all over the place. But it’s not just children who suffer from bruises.

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About Me!

Hi and thanks for visiting my blog!

My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and come back soon :-)