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Showing posts with label How to guides. Show all posts
Showing posts with label How to guides. Show all posts
If you spend a lot of time at your computer browsing the Internet, it’s important the text is at a size that’s comfortable on your eyes. Squinting to read tiny text may result in headaches or eye problems, while text that’s too large won’t enable you to display as much information on your screen.

There are various methods for changing the text size in web browsers, one which takes as little as two seconds.

The body mass index (BMI) chart is an alternative way of finding out at a glance, what your BMI is. Using the BMI chart, you don't need to perform any calculations or enter any numbers into an on-line calculator. However, the BMI chart only gives you a BMI as a whole number, whereas calculating it will provide a slightly more accurate BMI score to decimal places, for example, 23.8 instead of 23 or 24 as found on a chart.

Banana MilkshakeAnyone who loves the taste of vanilla, probably also likes vanilla milkshakes. And even better than a vanilla milkshake is a thick vanilla milkshake. Ideally, it should be thick enough that your straw can stand up on its own.

Buying a vanilla milkshake can be an expensive treat and you can't always be sure exactly what's gone into it. So why not make your own at home where you make it as healthy or decadent as you please.

Whether you've acquired a tan from a holiday in the sun or through spending long hours outdoors, as soon as you're no longer constantly exposed to the sun's rays, your tan will start to fade.

Every 30 days or so, the entire outer layers of our skin is renewed, spelling bad news for anyone who wants to hang on to their tan.

However, there are several ways of prolonging your tan which are explained in this guide.

Inserting a sheet in Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is such a powerful software program, capable of performing incredibly complex calculations. But sometimes it's the little things that can befuddle us and seem impossible to achieve, such as adding or deleting a sheet, for instance.

Fortunately, it's quite simple and you have a few different options available for doing this.

Fashions for board games come and go but one that has stood the test of time is chess.  It's a game that crosses all language and cultural barriers. As well as its educational value, it helps players develop their strategic skills while  improving concentration levels. Anyone can learn to play chess and it's never too late to learn. However, before you start, it's important to set up your pieces in the right place.

head lice, photo by Photo by Gilles San Martin Head lice aren't discriminatory insects. Although they’re most commonly found among children, they can affect anyone at any time. They’re not harmful, but may cause intense itchiness to the scalp and can be notoriously difficult to eradicate.

 But, they won’t clear up on their own, so you must take steps to remove head lice. They're found in all types of hair - short, long, clean, dirty, straight or curly. Head lice cannot jump or fly. Instead they pass between people through direct head to head contact by walking along strands of hair.

While browsing around the ever increasing number of websites on the Internet, there are bound to be a fair few that you'll want to revisit. But trying to remember or keep track of the many addresses or names of your favorite sites would be extremely difficult without the handy bookmarking feature in Firefox.

Overtime you are likely to build up an increasingly large library of bookmarks, many of which may become redundant over time. Since you no longer need these bookmarks cluttering up your library, you'll want to delete them.

dogs-cloisters-12sept2007_0198If you're a dog owner, taking steps to keep them free from worms will be a life long commitment. Due to their very nature, dogs can pick up worms from all sorts of places.

If they do pick up worms and they're not treated, dogs can become extremely ill and in a worse case scenarios, die. This guide gives some helpful tips for preventing and treating worms in dogs.

Microsoft Excel 2007 is a powerful spreadsheet program, capable of performing extremely complicated calculations. However, if you're new to Excel, the many available functions can seem a bit daunting at first.

If you just want to know how to sum a row or column of cells, Excel makes it very easy for you by providing several options that will automatically sum your data range. The good news is that whichever you choose, the sum methods are the same whether you're adding rows or columns.

This How-to Guide shows some basic steps for summing rows or columns of cells on the same worksheet.

Somehow, the more vibrant the color of a cocktail, the more exciting and tempting it looks. The Trocadero cocktail doesn't disappoint. Its gorgeous crimson glow is born from one of its ingredients - grenadine, which also gives it a sweet and light flavor.

The main contributors to this delightful cocktail are a combination of both dry and sweet vermouth plus a few other special ingredients which together create this very drinkable cocktail. Read on to find out how...

It's not hard to spot a new parent. The initial glow of elation after their offspring's arrival into the world has been replaced by a somewhat dazed expression. Sleepless nights are taking their toll. All new parents expect to lose a fair amount of sleep during the first weeks of their newborn’s life. But if your baby is still waking frequently throughout the night after a few months, it's time to start sleep training. One successful and popular solution is the 5-10-15 method.

Converting an Excel spreadsheet to PDF
A Portable Document Format (PDF) is a versatile way of transporting and reading any electronic document regardless of the software used to create it. So for example, if you create a spreadsheet in Excel but you need to send it to someone without this software, as long as they have a PDF reader, they will be able to open and read your spreadsheet.

Microsoft Excel 2007 has a handy feature that enables you to convert your spreadsheet to a PDF without the need for any additional PDF conversion software. However, you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader which you can download free.

Whether you’ve made the decision to try and improve your overall health or you just want to know if you’re a healthy weight, learning how to calculate your body mass index is a good place to start.

The BMI (Body Mass Index) is used by health professionals around the world and is the preferred method for checking whether you're within a healthy weight range for your height.

 There are several methods available for working out your BMI, so just choose whichever you prefer.

PowerPoint column chart template
Long lists or tables showing endless sets of numbers can cause the reader to lose interest somewhat sooner than the author or presenter would probably wish. But representing those same numbers pictorially as a chart will liven up any presentation, making it far more interesting while giving it a professional appearance.

Fortunately, creating charts and graphs in Microsoft PowerPoint is really easy. Just choose your chart from one of the ready made templates, and a few clicks later, your chart is ready.

Numerous health benefits have been attributed to omega 3. Several studies indicate it can help boost heart, brain, eye and joint health as well as preventing certain cancers. And more recently it has been suggested it could protect the body against premature aging.

If you’re trying to include more omega 3 in your diet, eating fish is a great place to start. Apart from the benefits of omega 3, fish is an excellent source of protein and it contains essential vitamins and minerals.

However, not all fish contains high levels of omega 3 and if you’re looking towards fish as your main source of omega 3 fatty acids, it’s important you choose the right type of fish.
Trying to brush tangles out of knotted hair is difficult and often painful. Children in particular are prone to getting their hair tangled as they're not usually too concerned over brushing it to keep it looking tidy. Brushing tangles out of tangled hair is actually quite easy when you know how.

With a little patience and the help of these tips, you'll soon wonder how you ever stressed over unruly tangles.

A new puppy brings a bucket load of love and affection into your home. But to make sure they stay in great condition, be prepared to spend time on their care and grooming.

Depending on the breed of puppy, grooming may take as little as five minutes a day or as long as half an hour. Basic grooming needs include caring for their eyes, ears and nose, nail clipping and teeth cleaning as well as bathing and brushing their coat.

Why do we have so much difficulty maintaining our weight? While some struggle with diets trying to shed excess pounds, others find it a task keeping weight on. So how many calories do we need to maintain our weight.

This question presents a different answer for everyone as we all have our unique daily calorie requirements. Although the average daily calorie allowances given for men and women is 2,500 and 2,000 respectively, your own calorie needs may be significantly higher or lower than this figure.

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Hi and thanks for visiting my blog!

My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

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