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Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health. Show all posts
Kidney stones photo source urologyhealth.orgAnyone who has suffered the pain of passing a kidney stone will want to do all they can to ensure new stones don’t form. Kidney stones are extremely common, with some 500,000 people requiring emergency treatment each year.

Though the actual cause of kidney stones is unknown, there are certain diet-related risk factors that might make someone more likely to suffer from them.

By reducing some of these foods from the diet it may be able to reduce or prevent the chances of new stones from forming.

Strokes can occur suddenly and without warning. The effects can be devastating, either resulting in a permanent disability or worse, death.  In the United States alone, more than 700,000 people suffer from a stroke every year.

While no one can be sure whether they will have a stroke, risk factors such as high blood pressure or heart disease are often used to predict whether someone has a higher risk. However, according to some studies, the eyes may provide vital information as to whether someone is likely to have a stroke.

Everyone, from the government to celebrities and catwalk models, have been blamed for the current obsession with size zero.

Despite the negative publicity size zero attracts, women still aspire to become thin or thinner than they currently are.Everyone, from the government to celebrities and catwalk models, have been blamed for the current obsession with size zero. Despite the negative publicity size zero attracts, women still aspire to become thin or thinner than they currently are.

Anyone who has experienced tetanus will understand just how frightening and serious this disease can be. Tetanus, once commonly called ‘lockjaw’ is rarely seen in the western world thanks to immunization programmes beginning in early childhood. It can be a disabling and life threatening disease, so it pays to be aware of the symptoms and the appropriate treatment required.

bacteria image source nhs.co.ukFood is a tremendous source of pleasure for most people. We take it for granted we’ll feel satisfied after eating and not become violently ill. But if you’re not careful with food hygiene and preparation, you could end up swallowing something a lot nastier than you bargained for.

With foodborne illnesses affecting an estimated 76 million people in the US each year, it’s certainly a widespread and very common problem. So how do these debilitating foodborne illnesses enter the body?
Brazil nuts image source easytoeatnuts.comSelenium is a mineral which is found naturally in many foods. Its powerful antioxidant properties can help boost the immune system and may also help prevent cancer.

The importance of the functions of selenium in the body are becoming increasingly well recognized, particularly the role it plays in keeping the body healthy.

Calcium needs for children and adolescents is particularly high during their formative years. However, according to US Dietary Guidelines 2010, the calcium intake for children and teenagers is less than the recommended guidelines. Teenagers in particular, often find their diet lacks calcium and this may lead to serious health problems. Understanding which foods contain the best sources of calcium can help to ensure your kids aren’t missing out on this vital nutrient. Read more ...

When choosing a method of birth control, it's important to find a solution which suits both parties. The popular contraceptives are relatively free from side effects, however, some people find particular forms of contraception don’t suit them. Side effects are usually minimal but some can pose a more serious risk.

Finding the right birth control method may take some trial and error, but with a wide variety of options, most people should be able to find something which works well for them.

Protein is an essential nutrient which must be included as part of a healthy diet. The protein needs for men are surprisingly low and most people are able to easily meet their daily requirements. Contrary to popular belief, eating more protein doesn’t mean more muscles! In fact, eating too much or too little protein can lead to potential health consequences.

High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases. Fortunately, there is a great deal we can do to help lower cholesterol levels, simply though making healthy eating choices. While there are many foods which are known to raise cholesterol, such as those high in saturated fats, there are several other foods which can actively help to lower cholesterol levels. By combining these cholesterol lowering foods with other healthy ingredients, you can make your own delicious and wholesome cholesterol lowering meals.

Salty Peanut

Finding out your child has a peanut allergy can come as a shock and will be a cause of much anxiety for everyone concerned. Suddenly, making healthy food choices becomes a daunting task.

In an era where much of the food we consume is processed, it can seem that every food label warns against the possibility of nut contamination, even those that don’t have nuts as an ingredient!

Gone are the days when a pregnant woman could happily eat for two without stressing over every morsel consumed. Nowadays, we are far better informed regarding the nutritional requirements for a healthy pregnancy and which foods a pregnant woman should and should not eat. Surprisingly, orange juice, usually considered a healthy drink, can pose a potential risk to a pregnant women and her baby.

intestines source tnfarchives.nova.comThe intestines are an integral part of the digestive system, without which, we wouldn't be able to absorb the vital nutrients from our food.

Together with organs including the liver and pancreas, the intestines perform an amazingly complex series of functions which work seamlessly to break down and process everything we eat. What's more, we don't have to consciously do anything other than enjoy the food we're putting into our mouth.

Finding out you have raised cholesterol levels can be a shock, particularly since it can put you at higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack or stroke. Controlling your cholesterol levels can be done through medication.

However, one of the first suggestions often given by doctors, involves making changes to your diet to see whether this has any effect. Therefore, it's important to understand which foods are known to raise cholesterol levels in the body and actively start restricting them from your diet.

Looking after your teeth is just as important as your health. Most of us are fully aware that eating too much sugar is likely to result in cavities if we're not careful with dental hygiene. However, it's not only unhealthy food such as cakes, sweets and ice cream that can ruin your teeth. There are a few healthy foods to watch out for which are just as capable of wreaking havoc on your teeth.

Here are 5 healthy foods that can wreck your teeth.

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Hi and thanks for visiting my blog!

My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and come back soon :-)