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Showing posts with label Health Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Problems. Show all posts
Henry 8 photo source fanpop.comConsidering he married six women, King Henry VIII produced surprisingly few offspring. Of course, back in the 16th century, it was his poor wives who were relentlessly blamed for their inability to carry a child to term.

Thankfully, we now know better. And if recent research is to be believed, liability for the lack of Tudor heirs can be firmly planted at Henry's door.

Kidney stones photo source urologyhealth.orgAnyone who has suffered the pain of passing a kidney stone will want to do all they can to ensure new stones don’t form. Kidney stones are extremely common, with some 500,000 people requiring emergency treatment each year.

Though the actual cause of kidney stones is unknown, there are certain diet-related risk factors that might make someone more likely to suffer from them.

By reducing some of these foods from the diet it may be able to reduce or prevent the chances of new stones from forming.

Anyone embarking on a diet for the first time could be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed at the abundance of diet foods on sale. Supermarket shelves are groaning under the weight of products labeled 'diet', 'fat-free', ‘low-fat’, 'lite' or 'low calorie' which can lead to all sorts of confusion.

Strokes can occur suddenly and without warning. The effects can be devastating, either resulting in a permanent disability or worse, death.  In the United States alone, more than 700,000 people suffer from a stroke every year.

While no one can be sure whether they will have a stroke, risk factors such as high blood pressure or heart disease are often used to predict whether someone has a higher risk. However, according to some studies, the eyes may provide vital information as to whether someone is likely to have a stroke.

Anyone who has experienced tetanus will understand just how frightening and serious this disease can be. Tetanus, once commonly called ‘lockjaw’ is rarely seen in the western world thanks to immunization programmes beginning in early childhood. It can be a disabling and life threatening disease, so it pays to be aware of the symptoms and the appropriate treatment required.

Everyone is susceptible to contracting food poisoning at some stage with the severity of the illness ranging from mild to severe and sometimes fatal. In fact, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates there are around 5,000 deaths from food poisoning each year whereby the young, elderly or those with a weakened immune system are likely to be worst affected. Food poisoning can be caused through a viral or bacterial source and the symptoms are similar for both.

Children are exposed to numerous viruses throughout their childhood, including chicken pox, flu and colds, to name a few. But there is a lesser known virus, molluscum contagiosum, which is highly contagious and affects just under 5 percent of children living in the United States. While the name may not roll easily off the tongue, cases of molluscum contagiosum appear to be increasing. As such, it's important that parents understand the causes so they can take steps to reduce their child's risk of catching this disease. Read more ...
photo source peachpundit.comChildhood obesity has increased threefold over the last 30 years and is now so prevalent, that today’s youth run a greater risk of dying before their parents.

Around one in three children in the US are either overweight or obese and according to the American Heart Organization, have an 80 percent chance of remaining that way for the rest of their lives.

This not only places them at greater risk of obesity-related health complications, they face an overall reduced life expectancy. Obese children have a greater chance of experiencing one or more of the following obesity-related diseases, most of which can be avoided by changing lifestyle habits.

When choosing a method of birth control, it's important to find a solution which suits both parties. The popular contraceptives are relatively free from side effects, however, some people find particular forms of contraception don’t suit them. Side effects are usually minimal but some can pose a more serious risk.

Finding the right birth control method may take some trial and error, but with a wide variety of options, most people should be able to find something which works well for them.

germs image source thecreativefinder.comWhether you are staying in a five star luxury suite or a cheap and cheerful budget hotel, your room may be harboring any number of germs brought in by guests from around the world. Fortunately, germs tend to have a fairly short survival time and the majority are unlikely to cause any adverse health effects.

It won’t be possible to avoid all germs in hotel rooms, but understanding where germs are likely to be found, can help you reduce your chances of picking up any nasty illnesses during your stay.

The notion of 'eating for two' during pregnancy is now long outdated. However, some mothers-to-be still see pregnancy as a chance to relax their eating habits and consume as much as they like, believing they’ll lose the extra weight once their baby is born.

But according to research, excessive weight gain in pregnancy increases the mother’s risk of lifelong obesity.

Early sightings of Michelle Obama's toned upper arms sent women everywhere scurrying for long sleeved tops. That flabby bit of skin which hangs beneath the upper arms, otherwise known as bingo wings, is notoriously difficult to shift. It's also an area of the body which women obsess about. Losing the fat under your arms can’t be done overnight, but with the right combination of diet and exercise, it's possible to achieve noticeably improved results within a few weeks. Read more ...
Protein is an essential nutrient which must be included as part of a healthy diet. The protein needs for men are surprisingly low and most people are able to easily meet their daily requirements. Contrary to popular belief, eating more protein doesn’t mean more muscles! In fact, eating too much or too little protein can lead to potential health consequences.

Mothers-to-be may need to take up yoga or mediation to help curb the obesity epidemic in future generations.

As reported in Science Daily, research undertaken at the University of Minnesota and Georgetown University, found evidence to show that women who are stressed, either physically or psychologically while pregnant, are more likely to produce children, particularly girls, who are predisposed to obesity in later life.

Considering the narrow window of time where a woman is able to become pregnant, it's astounding that so many manage to do so, despite taking precautions. Often it's down to the incorrect use of certain contraceptives, but frequently it's because couples take a chance on using unreliable forms of birth control. These include the rhythm method, douching, the safe time and withdrawal. While there are numerous reasons why couples choose to use such methods, they should always be prepared for the possibility of a pregnancy. Read more...
Those who hate their chubby thighs and are planning on a spot of liposuction, may want to reconsider their options after reading recent research. According to a new study, fat which is removed from one area of the body using liposuction, will eventually reappear in other areas, leaving the patient with similar levels of fat as before.

The UK ambulance fleet has started investing in specialist lifting and carrying equipment as well as buying hugely expensive ‘bariatric’ ambulances. The reason they’re doing this is to cater for the UK’s growing number of obese patients. Staff, their ambulances and the equipment simply isn’t able to cope with the increasing poundage of its patients. Read more >>

High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases. Fortunately, there is a great deal we can do to help lower cholesterol levels, simply though making healthy eating choices. While there are many foods which are known to raise cholesterol, such as those high in saturated fats, there are several other foods which can actively help to lower cholesterol levels. By combining these cholesterol lowering foods with other healthy ingredients, you can make your own delicious and wholesome cholesterol lowering meals.

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Hi and thanks for visiting my blog!

My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and come back soon :-)