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Showing posts with label Family and Pregnancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family and Pregnancy. Show all posts
child at the dentist source drchirosante.comOver a quarter of children in the United States have had at least one cavity by the age of four. To help prevent problems such as decay and cavities, it’s vital that children are taken for regular checkups to the dentist so they can learn from a young age the importance of caring for their teeth.

Preparing a child for their first visit to the dentist should be both an encouraging and positive experience.

birth control photo source Perpetualkid.comConsidering the narrow window of time where a woman is able to become pregnant, it's astounding that so many manage to do so, despite taking precautions.

Often it's down to the incorrect use of certain contraceptives, but frequently it's because couples take a chance on using unreliable forms of birth control. These include the rhythm method, douching, the safe time and withdrawal.

While there are numerous reasons why couples choose to use such methods, they should always be prepared for the possibility of a pregnancy.

calcium foods image source curepages.comCalcium needs for children and adolescents is particularly high during their formative years. However, according to US Dietary Guidelines 2010 (p.38), the calcium intake for children and teenagers is less than the recommended guidelines.

Teenagers in particular, often find their diet lacks calcium and this may lead to serious health problems. Understanding which foods contain the best sources of calcium can help to ensure your kids aren’t missing out on this vital nutrient.

Sylvanian Families, also known as Calico Critters, are a collection of miniature toys which are designed to appeal to young girls between the ages of four and ten. These families are both fascinating and amusing, but can drive parents to distraction with their invasion of the home.

However, they are adorably cute with their exquisitely designed clothes and accessories that you can't help but admire. And even better, they keep children amused for hours on end.

Coping with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can be difficult at the best of times and pregnancy may have an impact on the symptoms. Some sufferers find their IBS symptoms improve whereas others may find they worsen.

It's therefore vital that particular attention is given to ensuring the diet provides proper pregnancy nutrition for meeting the growing needs of the baby while minimizing IBS symptoms in the expectant mother.

When choosing a method of birth control, it's important to find a solution which suits both parties. The popular contraceptives are relatively free from side effects, however, some people find particular forms of contraception don’t suit them. Side effects are usually minimal but some can pose a more serious risk.

Finding the right birth control method may take some trial and error, but with a wide variety of options, most people should be able to find something which works well for them.

The notion of 'eating for two' during pregnancy is now long outdated. However, some mothers-to-be still see pregnancy as a chance to relax their eating habits and consume as much as they like, believing they’ll lose the extra weight once their baby is born.

But according to research, excessive weight gain in pregnancy increases the mother’s risk of lifelong obesity.

Teaching children the importance of cleaning their teeth from an early age will not only help keep cavities at bay, it instills a routine which becomes as natural as getting dressed in the morning. However, most adult toothpastes are too strong for young children. As such, toothpastes aimed at those under the age of six tend to be specially mild or even fruity flavored to encourage teeth cleaning. By the time they turn six though, it's time to move onto something a bit more grown up. This is where Sensodyne Pronamel toothpaste for children helps them make the transition to more adult toothpastes.

It's not hard to spot a new parent. The initial glow of elation after their offspring's arrival into the world has been replaced by a somewhat dazed expression. Sleepless nights are taking their toll. All new parents expect to lose a fair amount of sleep during the first weeks of their newborn’s life. But if your baby is still waking frequently throughout the night after a few months, it's time to start sleep training. One successful and popular solution is the 5-10-15 method.

Breast feeding should be a time of immense physical closeness for mother and baby. However, there are times when stress and anxiety seem to inhibit production of breast milk.

New mothers undergo enormous physical and emotional changes after the birth of their baby. Not only have their bodies undergone a traumatic ordeal giving birth, they now have responsibility for this tiny, helpless infant, dependent upon them for their every need, most importantly, milk.

Everyone has to visit the dentist at some stage and the sooner you get into the habit of doing this, the healthier your teeth are likely to be. Since it's recommended that children should see the dentist by the age of one, the onus is going to fall to an adult to ensure this happens.

While they're still very young, children have no preconceptions about what to expect when they go, so taking your child to the dentist for their first visit should be relatively trouble free. Here are some tips for preparing them for their first dental checkup. Read more >>

Baby rice, the perfect weaning food
Starting a baby on solid foods is one of the most important milestones in your baby’s life.

After months of having all their nutritional needs met by their milk, now it’s time for them to explore some of the exciting tastes and textures to be found in real food. But since their digestive systems are still immature, introducing solid foods needs to be done as a gradual process.

Bribery, blackmail, threats and tantrums are frequently used as a last resort in homes around the world for coercing slovenly family members to pick up after themselves. While such  methods may work in the short term, they’re not particularly conducive to a happy household. To avoid unpleasant conflicts within the home, it’s vital to know how to teach family members to pick up after themselves.

Queasiness is often one of the first signs of pregnancy and is usually at its worst during the first trimester. Though it's often called morning sickness, this is actually a misnomer since it can occur at any time of the day or night. Not all pregnant women are affected with some experiencing no queasiness at all. However unwelcome morning sickness may be, you can be assured that it's a perfectly normal part of being pregnant and is often considered to be an indication of a healthy pregnancy.

medela breast pump source: toysrus.comWhatever your reasons for purchasing a breast pump, it's important you choose one that suits your needs. A good breast pump should be efficient, comfortable and easy to use while fitting effortlessly into your lifestyle.

There are many factors to take into consideration before your purchase such as how frequently you plan on using it and how portable it should be. Choosing your breast pump is a personal decision and one that shouldn't be hurried.

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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

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