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Men can often be reluctant to act upon their health concerns. However, by taking an active approach towards their health-care, they can play a major part in preventing the onset of many of the top ten major health threats affecting men.

Men can often be reluctant to act upon their health concerns. However, by taking an active approach towards their health-care, they can play a major part in preventing the onset of many of the top ten major health threats affecting men.

1. Heart disease

Heart disease remains at the top of the list as the biggest health threat to men of all races. By taking care of heart health, it is possible to greatly reduce the risks of suffering from heart problems. Some of the major contributors to heart disease include smoking, unhealthy diet, excessive alcohol consumption, stress and lack of exercise. High cholesterol is another main cause of heart disease which to some extent can be managed through diet, but may be genetic and require medication.

2. Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death among men, with lung cancer taking the top spot. Giving up smoking dramatically reduces the risks of lung cancer while eating a healthy diet, maintaining a healthy weight and wearing sunscreen when outdoors can help minimize risks of other cancers. As a precaution, always visit the doctor at the first sign of any unusual or abnormal symptoms and enquire about cancer screenings.

3. Injuries

Accidents are the third cause main of death among men in the United States. Although not intentional, many accidents are avoidable. Most common causes of death through injuries arise from car accidents, falls, accidental drug overdose and fires. Limit risks of injuries by taking sensible precautions such as wearing a seat belt, installing smoke alarms and not taking risks which could result in slipping or falling.

4. Stroke

Although stroke is the third most common cause of death among men and women in the U.S., this figure slips to fourth when accounting for men alone. The main risk associated with stroke is high blood pressure whereby certain groups of people more are susceptible. These include the elderly, African-Americans and those with a family history of strokes. By taking a proactive approach such as not smoking, eating more cholesterol lowering foods, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly can help to reduce risks of stroke.

5. Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases

Illnesses such as emphysema and chronic bronchitis are the fifth most common cause of death among men. These diseases affect the lungs making it difficult to breathe and once the damage is done it cannot be repaired. Men who smoke have a twelve times greater risk of contracting chronic lower respiratory diseases. Therefore, the single most beneficial step to take in preventing these deadly diseases is to stop smoking.

6. Type II diabetes

Number six in the list of health threats for men is type II diabetes. Frequently men are unaware they have type II diabetes because symptoms are not always obvious. Again, this is often a preventable disease, brought on by eating an excessively unhealthy diet high in fats, sugar and salt which is worsened by weight gain or taking too little exercise. Left untreated, type II diabetes can lead to possible nerve or kidney damage, blindness or heart disease.

7. Flu

It may seem surprising that such a common, everyday illness should make it into the top ten health concerns for men. But flu in its many forms is responsible for thousands of deaths each year, mainly affecting the elderly or those with weakened immune systems. The safest precautions are to have an annual flu vaccine and take extra care with washing hands after visiting public places.

8. Suicide

Sadly, suicide is the eighth most common cause of death in men in the United States. Depression or other forms of mental illness are the main reasons behind suicide attempts with contributing factors including family history of suicide, unemployment and isolation from others.  Medication and counseling can help, and men feeling depressed should always seek advice from a doctor.

9. Kidney Disease

Kidney disease is most frequently caused by diabetes. It develops slowly with symptoms often going  unnoticed for years until chronic renal failure occurs. It’s therefore important to keep an eye out for early signs. These could include a need to urinate more frequently, cloudy urine or unusual tiredness. Since kidneys are responsible for eliminating waste products, eating a healthy diet which limits salt intake along with losing weight or taking medication can help reduce the risks.

10. Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease is the most common form of dementia, mainly affecting people over the age of 60. It’s a progressive illness, gradually destroying brain functioning and causing impaired cognitive behavior. Unfortunately, once brain deterioration has begun, it is irreversible. While as yet there is no definitive preventative method, taking sensible steps towards a healthy lifestyle and keeping mentally active may be worthwhile.

When examining the top ten health concerns for men, it becomes apparent that many of the risks associated with contracting such diseases can be greatly reduced simply through making diet and lifestyle changes.  Keeping weight within a normal range, eating a healthy diet, keeping fit and exercising caution where necessary are the best preventative methods for extending a lifespan.

msn.com - mens health


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