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Baby rice, the perfect weaning food
Starting a baby on solid foods is one of the most important milestones in your baby’s life.

After months of having all their nutritional needs met by their milk, now it’s time for them to explore some of the exciting tastes and textures to be found in real food. But since their digestive systems are still immature, introducing solid foods needs to be done as a gradual process.

When to start weaning

As a general guide, most babies are ready to start on solid foods by the age of six months. But, as with adults, appetites do vary and some babies may be ready to start earlier, some later. Signs that may indicate your baby is ready to start on solid foods include waking during the night if they were previously sleeping through, or not being satisfied after their regular milk feed. They may also show an increased interest in what others around them are eating.

How to start weaning

Starting your baby on solid foods is best done gradually. Ideally, give your baby half of their usual milk feed first then stop. Since they’ll be partially satiated they should be more accepting of any new food you’re about to introduce to them. Start off with offering one or two teaspoons at first just to give them a taste, then finish off with the rest of their usual milk feed. At this stage their milk is still their main source of nutrition.

Preparing for weaning

Weaning your baby is a messy business. However, you won’t need to invest in a high chair right away. Instead, you can give your baby tastes of their first food by sitting them on your lap or another seat that they already use, as long as they are safely harnessed. Invest in one or two baby plastic spoons plus a few bibs and cloths to wipe up any mess. Also make sure any utensils used are thoroughly sterilized first. Once they’re eating more, and they’re sitting up well by themselves, you should start using a high chair.

Ideal first foods

First solid foods should be as bland as possible and completely smooth. One of the most popular weaning foods is baby rice. It’s easily digestible with a mild and bland taste plus it can be mixed with their regular milk. There are numerous commercially prepared brands which are fortified with vitamins and minerals however, it’s easy to make your own using short grain rice.
Introducing more variety

Organic jars of baby food
Once your baby is happily eating baby rice, gradually introduce new tastes one at a time, every three to four days. Doing this is a good way to find out if your baby is allergic to anything as well as finding out what they like. Also don’t be tempted to add any salt or sugar to anything you give them.

Most babies tend to have a sweet tooth so making your own fruit or sweet vegetable purees are an ideal next step for widening their taste horizons.  Steamed and pureed apples and pears usually go down well as does mashed banana and mango. Pureed carrots, parsnip, pumpkin and sweet potato are also favorites.

Feeding themselves

Once your baby is happy to accept different tastes, they may start showing an interest in the spoon and make frequent attempts at grabbing it. It can help to give them their own spoon while you feed them using another one. Be prepared for plenty of mess though! Giving them finger foods such as baby rusks or bread sticks are another useful way to let them explore food textures as well as teaching them how to feed themselves.

Starting a baby on solid food is a learning curve for both mother and baby. To help make the experience an enjoyable one, always wait until your baby is showing signs that they’re ready for solid food and introduce new tastes gradually. Don’t worry if everything isn’t to their taste. They are human after all.

Weaning a baby is only a short time in a baby’s life but one you are likely to remember for a long time to come.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

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