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Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
fruit smoothies photo source laredogoodnews.comSmoothies are the guilt-free, healthy alternative to milkshakes. They're versatile, filling, easy to make and perfect for a hot summer day.

Whether they’re for a nutritious breakfast, an after school refreshment for the kids, or a delicious cooling down treat on a balmy summer’s afternoon, there’s no need to invent an excuse to make your own home made smoothies.

Ever since man learned how to grind wheat grains into flour, mix it with water and bake it over hot stones, bread has been a staple source of food. As centuries passed, virtually every country developed their own unique style breads, with Italy alone having more than 350 varieties. However, when it comes down to it, all bread can be grouped into one of three types; yeast bread, quick bread or flatbreads. Here are just a few of the different types of bread found around the world.  Read more ...
The UK ambulance fleet has started investing in specialist lifting and carrying equipment as well as buying hugely expensive ‘bariatric’ ambulances. The reason they’re doing this is to cater for the UK’s growing number of obese patients. Staff, their ambulances and the equipment simply isn’t able to cope with the increasing poundage of its patients. Read more >>

The body mass index (BMI) chart is an alternative way of finding out at a glance, what your BMI is. Using the BMI chart, you don't need to perform any calculations or enter any numbers into an on-line calculator. However, the BMI chart only gives you a BMI as a whole number, whereas calculating it will provide a slightly more accurate BMI score to decimal places, for example, 23.8 instead of 23 or 24 as found on a chart.

Plane Jet lag can ruin the beginning of your holiday, leaving you unable to function properly for days after landing at your destination. People suffer from jet lag after flying long distances.

However, it isn’t the distance traveled that causes jet lag symptoms. It’s crossing different time zones. And, as our body struggles to adapt to the different patterns of light and dark, it leaves us feeling groggy and disoriented and it can take days for some people to properly adjust. I’m all too familiar with the debilitating effects of jetlag.

A Matched Set While the title of this article may be a little exaggerated, it might not be far off the mark for some. For, despite the fact that obesity is rife in the Western world, it seems the bigger we get, the less likely we are to realise it. But how can this be?

 Apparently, it’s all down to who we hang out with, or even the size of the general population around us.

Binge drinking is a growing concern pervading all sectors of society, from stressed out, high income earners to the unemployed. And hardly a day goes by without newspaper reports detailing the alcohol-fueled antics of drunken teenagers, rampaging through city centers. But what sort of toll is binge drinking taking on their health?

It's not the best news for soda drinkers. But results from research carried out by the University of Miami, appear to suggest that drinking soda could put people at higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as a heart attack or stroke.

Although diet sodas may help preserve the waistline, those drinking them were no less likely to succumb to vascular conditions.

Dermal fillers are becoming an increasingly popular choice for those wanting to restore a more youthful appearance to their face. As we age, skin starts to lose its elasticity, becoming looser and more prone to wrinkling. Fillers can be used to fill the lines and wrinkles that start to appear, while providing greater tone and suppleness to sunken cheeks or under eye hollows. Sculptra® is one of many dermal fillers which is commonly used for these purposes.

In order to do well at a job interview, it's vital you go there prepared for any questions liable to come your way. After all, you've done well to get that far so you need to make the most of this opportunity. Although you could be asked practically anything, there are usually a few regular questions which crop up time and again. This article explores some of the more common questions likely to be asked at a job interview. Read more >>
Come July  2012, over 18,000 of the world's elite athletes will descend on London ready for the opening ceremony of the 30th Olympic Games. Since July 6th, 2005, when London narrowly beat Paris to secure the Games, preparations have been underway to prepare the various venues in the Olympic Park. Many expressed their concerns whether the building work would be complete in time and within budget. But, much to the delight of the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) and all those involved in the process, the first new Olympic construction, the Velodrome, was finished almost 18 months before the start of the Games.

Traveling on a long haul journey with children can be something of an endurance test. It's hard to keep children sitting down for long and if the thought of being stuck in a plane with them, thousands of miles in the sky, is worrying you, then don't. It really might not be as bad as you think. Read this article to find out how you can survive long haul travel with children. Read more >>
British Passports
Adult British Citizens wishing to travel outside of the United Kingdom, must be in possession of a valid, up to date, ten-year passport, while children under 16 will need a five-year passport.

Renewing a British passport is a relatively straightforward process that can done as long as the current passport remains intact and is a standard UK ten-year passport or else it is a child's UK passport issued before they were 16. Additionally, there should be no name or national status change.

Botox Injections from Dr Braun
Not too long ago the only realistic way of taking a few years off an aging face, was to undergo a facelift.  Nowadays, with the increase in revolutionary new treatments for skin care, patients no longer need to face the surgeon's scalpel to remove unwanted lines and wrinkles.

Dermal fillers offer an alternative to a surgical facelift while providing a more natural result. Procedures are quick with little or no pain and minimal side effects.

Whether you dine out every week or only on special occasions, you’ll want to enjoy the experience, especially if you’re paying for it. And naturally, one of the most important aspects of your meal is the quality of the food. But what should you do if your meal is unacceptable when it arrives?

No one should expect to put up with bad food without making some form of complaint. But to complain effectively requires politeness, which isn’t always easy in the heat of the moment.

Inserting a sheet in Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is such a powerful software program, capable of performing incredibly complex calculations. But sometimes it's the little things that can befuddle us and seem impossible to achieve, such as adding or deleting a sheet, for instance.

Fortunately, it's quite simple and you have a few different options available for doing this.

The saying ‘you are what you eat’ is never more true than when it comes to your skin. If you’ve been eating an unhealthy diet, overindulging in junk food or drinking too much alcohol, your skin’s condition will start to suffer.

Not only will your complexion appear dull or pasty, you’ll be more prone to developing wrinkles.

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Hi and thanks for visiting my blog!

My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and come back soon :-)