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Total Effects is a mid-priced range of face and skincare products manufactured by Olay which are designed to target, treat and prevent the seven signs of aging. According to the Olay website, their products are proven to deliver dramatic improvements in skin appearance.  And judging by the popularity of their moisturizers, Olay must be doing something right. Among the Total Effects range is Wake Up Wonder which has received rave reviews.

What is Wake Up Wonder?

Wake Up Wonder is a dermatologically tested, lightweight anti-aging moisturizer which, in common with the entire Total Effects range, incorporates seven anti-aging effects into the one product. It's formulated with a refreshing mint extract and comes packaged in a small, 30ml pump top bottle for easy dispensing, together with a plastic lid to prevent the contents from drying out. At the time of writing it costs (UK£14.30/US$23.23) which is quite pricey for such a tiny bottle.

What does it do?

According to the description on the bottle, Wake Up Wonder is designed to be used in the morning as a moisturizer. It helps 'wake up creased, tired looking skin' while boosting moisture levels and re-awakening skin with cooling refreshment. The seven in one tasks include firming and hydrating the skin. This in turn helps minimize lines and the moisturizing properties should last for 24 hours. The gentle exfoliating ingredients can lead to more radiant looking skin while reducing the appearance of pores. It also includes anti-oxidant ingredients to help prevent damage from free radicals.

How does it work?

Wake Up Wonder works on an ongoing basis where results should become more noticeable over time. For example, after one week of use, the exfoliating effects of the VitaNiacin ingredients promote fresher skin which has a more youthful in appearance. After a month, the intense anti-aging ingredients help strengthen the skin's moisture barrier while restoring the skin’s natural oils to give a softer feel.

Personal testament after two months use

Having been sent a tiny free sample in the post, Wake Up Wonder impressed me so much I had to buy the full sized bottle. First of all, this moisturizer has such a wonderfully refreshing fragrance, just the smell alone seems to wake up my skin. The pump top is easy to use and it dispenses just enough each time so you don't end up squeezing too much out. As described, it is lightweight and non-greasy and completely absorbs into your skin within seconds leaving no residue. Skin feels soft and beautifully moisturized.

After two months of use, it's hard to say whether there is any noticeable difference to wrinkles though there is an immediate improvement to fine lines. Certainly my skin feels lovely after using it and I’ve had no allergic reactions. However, there is one important ingredient missing, which I feel should be included in all moisturizers and that is a sun protection factor (SPF). Without this, skin is unprotected from the damaging effects of the sun, which after all, is probably the worst offender when it comes to aging skin. With this in mind, I always use another moisturizer or sun screen on top, unless I'm using a foundation with a built in SPF.


Overall, Olay Total Effects Wake Up Wonder is an excellent moisturizing cream which smells divine. It's perfect for applying underneath makeup because it's so lightweight and easily absorbed. It is quite pricey, considering the size of the bottle, but it lasted me around two months of daily use, so it does go a long way. The lack of an SPF is a drawback, but this can be remedied by applying a sunscreen or foundation with an SPF.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

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