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Dental problems in children can begin as soon as their first baby tooth emerges. Some problems such as tooth decay are preventable while others are unavoidable and only become apparent as they grow older.

Fortunately, with modern dental care, the majority of common dental problems found in children can be successfully treated either by their dentist or an orthodontist.


Without a doubt, sugar is the greatest danger to childrens teeth. It's often difficult keeping all forms of sugar away from their teeth since it's even present in breast milk. However, the worst culprits are sugary fizzy drinks, sweets and fruit juices. While fruit juice is healthy, it does contain fruit sugar. If children constantly sip or suck fruit juice or sugary drinks through a bottle or feeder cup, their teeth are under constant attack from the fruit acids washing over them.

These fruit acids start eroding the enamel and if teeth aren't cleaned regularly and thoroughly, they're liable to suffer from toothache, followed by tooth decay or gum disease. This could mean they'll need a filling or if decay is advanced, have their tooth taken out early.

Tooth decay in children is completely preventable by limiting their exposure to sugar and fizzy drinks and taking extra care with their dental hygiene, especially while they're under the age of seven as children often miss cleaning all their teeth properly.


Crowding is a common dental problem among children and one that may be inherited from a parent. Crowding can happen because of a lack of space to accommodate all their teeth, often because of the shape of their mouth. This can mean some teeth are unable to come through while those that do appear, are forced out of alignment and will appear crooked or even grow on top of each other.

Crowded teeth are more difficult to clean which also makes them more susceptible to tooth decay. Crowded teeth usually require orthodontic treatment such as wearing braces to correct the spacing and alignment and sometimes may need to have teeth taken out.

Bite problems

Children often suffer from different types of bite problems such as an overbite or underbite which can have an effect on the alignment of the jaw as well as leading to their teeth becoming misaligned. This type of problem may be treated by removing some of the baby teeth to allow room for the secondary teeth or wearing of braces to create space. These can be applied while they still have their baby teeth and are adjusted as their new teeth grow.

Early tooth loss

Though it can be traumatic, it is common for children to lose their primary teeth before they're ready to come out. This could be due to decay which is preventable, or following an accident though play, which is usually unavoidable where children are concerned. If the tooth has come out long before the second tooth is due, further problems can arise when existing teeth gradually move towards the gap, thereby not leaving enough space for the new tooth. To help prevent this happening, the dentist may suggest wearing a space maintainer to preserve the space for the new tooth.

Other problems

Other common dental problems in children can arise through thumb sucking or frequent use of a pacifier, both of which can push the front teeth out of position. Also tongue thrusting, where children swallow while their tongue is between their teeth can lead to jaw distortion and misaligned teeth. And it's very common for children to suffer from chipped or fractured teeth through rough and tumble play.

Many children’s dental problems can be avoided with proper teeth cleaning and dental hygiene as well as limiting exposure to sugar and fizzy drinks. However, other problems such as crowding or an irregular bite often require specialist treatment from an orthodontist. Regular visits to the dentist will help ensure that any potential dental problems are picked up early and treated when necessary, enabling them to grow up with a set of healthy, strong teeth that should last their lifetime.


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