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One of the greatest benefits of long hair are the sheer number of alternative styling options available to you. Whether you choose straight, curly, wavy, an updo or even braided, you need never become bored with your hairstyle. For those with poker straight hair wishing to add a few curls, hair curlers are the obvious choice. However, the type of curlers you use can make or break your style since some are better suited for long hair than others.

Long hair can be notoriously difficult to curl. Not only does it take much longer winding up endless sections of hair, it can be tricky keeping curlers in place, plus it can take an age to dry. Nevertheless, using hair curlers are one of the safest and healthiest methods of curling your hair without causing any undue damage.

Remember that long hair is old hair. Depending on its length, the tips of your hair may have been exposed to the elements for five years or more. This means it’s likely to be quite dry, fragile and prone to splitting or breaking which can give your hair a messy or unkempt appearance. Therefore, it’s always best to try and avoid using hot styling appliances on long hair, for example heated hair curlers or tongs.

Generally, the best type of curlers for long hair are those with a diameter of at least one inch. That is unless you’re specifically aiming for the Shirley Temple look with a head full of corkscrew curls. Choosing larger curlers will produce wavier curls and give added bounce and fullness. It will also be quicker to wind your hair up and it will dry that much faster.

Another consideration when choosing your hair curlers is their surface material. Always choose a hair curler which has a smooth feel to it, such as cushion based-rollers, plastic mesh or bendy curlers. If choosing plastic curlers, make sure they have plenty of large air holes to allow sufficient air flow for drying. And if you are sleeping in your curlers, then of course choosing the softer cushion type curler will enable you to sleep comfortably.

The easiest hair curlers to use are those which are designed to hold the hair in place without the need for extra hair clips to hold them in place. Curlers such as the bendy type which can be folded over and twisted are one option. Cushion based rollers with a fold over clip that securely holds your hair in place are exceptionally easy to use and there are various brands of soft curlers which have folding ends designed to keep the curlers in.

Try to avoid buying curlers with bristles of any kind or those with a sticky Velcro type covering. While they are ideal for short hair, they pose a nightmare for longer locks. Once you start unraveling your curled hair, more often than not they’ll tangle and have you ripping or tearing at your hair to remove them. This will not only damage your hair, it will take out most of the curl as well.

If you need to curl your hair in a hurry, using heated hair curlers are an option but try limiting this for occasional use only. Jumbo sized curlers work better with long hair since the heat has a chance of distributing more evenly throughout each hair section. Ensure you spritz your hair first with a protecting spray which should help minimize any damage to the hair shaft.

Although long hair isn’t the easiest of hair types to curl, the results can completely transform your appearance. And choosing the right type of curlers for your hair length is the best way of helping you achieve the kind of long-lasting, lustrous waves or curls you’re hoping for.

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