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Few of us are 100% happy with the shape of our nose. Whether you've inherited your father's large nose or it's decidedly crooked following an accident, then rhinoplasty could be an option.
Rhinoplasty or a nose job as it's more commonly known, is one of the most frequently performed cosmetic procedures. People who are self-consciousness over their nose can find their self-esteem is greatly improved after rhinoplasty.

For anyone considering a nose job, the first step is finding an accredited surgeon specialising in rhinoplasty surgery who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).
At your first consultation you'll discuss your requirements with your surgeon who'll ascertain whether your expectations can be achieved and what he can realistically do. You should ask to see examples of your surgeon's work, for example, before and after photos.

~~~Rhinoplasty Procedures~~~

Most nose jobs are performed internally so there won't be any noticeable scars. For more extensive nasal tip work, open' nose surgery may be used.

Rhinoplasty procedures range from reducing length, width or bumps through to increasing the size of small noses or other surgical procedures to correct abnormalities affecting the patient's breathing.

~~~ Surgery Procedure ~~~

Generally, rhinoplasty involves a general anaesthetic and an overnight stay in hospital and you'll need someone to accompany you home.

The surgery itself lasts approximately 1.5-2 hours while the rhinoplasty surgeon makes corrections to the bone and cartilage. Most people experience little or no pain. Your nose will be covered with a splint which is worn for 7-10 days during healing. After this time, the stitches are removed.
There is usually bruising surrounding the eye area and some swelling. The bruising should fade after two weeks while the swelling gradually diminishes over 3-6 months. It can take up to a year for your new nose to settle completely.

You'll need to take it easy for at least two weeks after surgery and refrain from energetic activities for 4-6 weeks.


This will be confirmed with your surgeon. Anyone under the age of 16 is unlikely to be approved as maturity hasn't yet been reached. As long as you're healthy and don't suffer from the risks associated with general anaesthetic, the majority of people should be suitable for this procedure.

~~~Rhinoplasty Costs~~~

The overall cost will depend on the amount of work required and whether you need an overnight stay. Average costs for 2007 were $3,800.



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