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Is there anything more frustrating to a dieter than hitting a weight loss plateau? After diligently following a diet plan and steadily losing weight, the scales now refuse to budge.

That initial weight loss is often enough to keep us motivated but as this slows or even comes to a halt, what should you do?

First, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Reaching a weight loss plateau happens to nearly everyone following a diet. But don’t throw in the towel just yet. Think of this as a temporary hiccup you can overcome. Whatever happens, don’t fall back into bad eating habits, or you’ll end up right back where you started.

Below you’ll find some common reasons for a weight loss plateau and the steps you can take to safely overcome this barrier.

Calorie Overload

If you've been following a calorie counted diet, it may be time to adjust your daily food allowance. As you become lighter, your BMR (the number of calories you use to stay alive) decreases and you need fewer calories to maintain your weight because there’s less of you to feed.
Work out how many calories you need for weight maintenance at your current weight then cut out around 500 calories a day for every weekly pound you’re hoping to lose. If you don’t want to cut down on your food, then you’ll need to increase your exercise.

Starvation Mode

If you’re eating too little, your body may have gone into so called ‘starvation mode’. By over restricting your calorie intake, your body starts to think there’s a famine and will do everything it can to preserve its energy resources. This leads to a slowing of your metabolism as your body clings onto its fat reserves.

In order to start shedding pounds again, you need to boost your metabolism. One method is to actually come off your diet for a few days. That doesn’t mean returning to your old eating habits though. Relax slightly by allowing yourself a little more food for two or three days then return to your diet plan.  This may be enough to kick start your weight loss.

Losing Muscle Mass

Are you exercising enough? If you’re only restricting calories and not doing much in the way of exercise, it’s likely you’re losing muscle mass along with fat. Although you will initially show a weight loss, once you start losing muscle, your energy requirements go down. Muscles use up a lot of energy which is why it makes sense to keep active.

Weight bearing exercise is particularly helpful for muscle building. For instance, walking, dancing, jogging or even climbing the stairs. Also try to include activities such as low-impact aerobics, tennis or skipping which will not only increase your muscle mass, you’ll be losing fat and burning more calories.

Food amnesia

You may be convinced you’re following your diet to the book, but are you really? The majority of us underestimate how much we actually eat in a day. Only by making a note of every morsel passing your lips can you be sure nothing has escaped your memory.

Try keeping a food diary for a couple of weeks. Food diaries have been shown to be a powerful tool for helping dieters keep on the straight and narrow. As long as you’re completely honest about writing down everything you consume each day, including all drinks, you’ll soon find out if you’re overdoing the calories.

Misleading Scales

Are you weighing yourself too frequently? Your weight can fluctuate by as much as three pounds during the day. Many women also find they gain weight before their period due to water retention. However, it may be that you are still losing weight, but it’s just not enough to register on the scales.
Weigh yourself at the same time very week wearing the same clothes. If, after three or four weeks your weight hasn't gone down, it could be you have reached a plateau and need to re-evaluate your diet and exercise routine.

A weight loss plateau needn't mean the end of your diet. It's often a matter of compromise between restricting calories and increasing exercise. However, it’s important to eat enough to satisfy you both psychologically and physically. This way you’ll be far more likely to tip the scales in your favor and successfully reach your goal.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

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