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Showing posts with label Health Problems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Health Problems. Show all posts
Standing on a crowded bus or train in the morning, inhaling someone else's garlic breath, isn't the greatest way to start the day. But don't be too quick to point the finger of blame! For all you know, you could be one of them, since we can be completely unaware of our own halitosis.

This guide shows you how to test whether you have bad breath. And if you do, it provides some possible reasons that might be causing it (if you don't know) and also how to treat it.

Dental problems in children can begin as soon as their first baby tooth emerges. Some problems such as tooth decay are preventable while others are unavoidable and only become apparent as they grow older.

Fortunately, with modern dental care, the majority of common dental problems found in children can be successfully treated either by their dentist or an orthodontist.

It's so rewarding watching your happy, healthy puppy bounding around, having fun and enjoying life. However, at some stage nearly all puppies are going to experience a bout of vomiting or diarrhea. Often there is nothing to worry about. Puppies and grown up dogs have sensitive stomachs and can vomit in reaction to something very minor. Alternatively it could be an indication of something more serious. There are many reasons why a puppy may vomit or suffer from diarrhea and some of the following causes can help you decide whether or not you should seek medical help.

Even when they've barely made their entrance into the world, kittens can have worms. Fortunately in the majority of cases, most worms won't pose a major threat unless they're left untreated. As such, it's important to understand the various ways that cats and kittens can pick up worm infestations as well as knowing what signs to look out for and the most suitable ways of treating them.

dog ears photo source blog.bestbullysticks.comDogs ears come in many shapes and sizes. Whether they are short and pointy or dangling on the ground, all dogs are susceptible to suffering from ear problems.

But it's the breeds with long, floppy ears and those with lots of fur around the inside of their ear canal that are more prone to ear problems. In fact, they account for up to 80 percent of all dogs suffering from ear infections. Some other common ear problems occurring in dogs include injury, hearing and allergies.

Anyone who has suffered the pain of passing a kidney stone will want to do all they can to ensure new stones don’t form. Kidney stones are extremely common, with some 500,000 people requiring emergency treatment each year. Though the actual cause of kidney stones is unknown, there are certain diet-related risk factors that might make someone more likely to suffer from them. By reducing some of these foods from the diet it may be able to reduce or prevent the chances of new stones from forming.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) can affect anyone at any age. In fact, around one in ten people are liable to suffer from this unpleasant disorder at some point in their lives. With symptoms ranging from mild to severe, sufferers experience an uncontrollable urge to move their legs to try and relieve the unpleasant tingling or aching sensations in their limbs. And while this in itself is not harmful, the knock-on effect of disrupted sleep can lead to excessive tiredness. Though there is no known cure for restless legs syndrome, certain foods are linked to the severity of symptoms and dietary changes can make a difference.

Sleep disorders are becoming ever more prevalent in modern society with reasons such as stress, noise, anxiety and lifestyle all cited as possible causes. Two common sleep problems are restless legs syndrome and the lesser known periodic limb movement disorder. Often people mistake one for the other and although they do share some similarities, there are noticeable differences.

sunburn photo source beautylish.comThere can’t be many of us who haven’t suffered from sunburn at some stage during our lives. When we’re outside enjoying ourselves, playing sports, or bike riding perhaps, we may not bother with applying sunscreen and we're often not aware we’re burning until it’s too late.

Anyone spending time in the open air is susceptible to the damaging effects of the sun’s rays, even on cloudy days. Sunburn is extremely painful and damaging to our skin and the earlier you start treating it, the sooner you can recover and help limit any further damage.

While the trend for sporting a golden suntan shows no sign of abating, neither does the popularity of using tanning beds. There has been a great deal of negative press publicity regarding the safety concerns of tanning beds. However, this is often due to their misuse by people who are poorly informed regarding protecting themselves.

Are you having problems sleeping? If so, you’re not alone. Over a quarter of the adult population finds it difficult achieving a decent night’s sleep. With hectic lifestyles and the need to squeeze more into each day, sleep often falls down the list of our priorities. Too many of us have fallen into bad habits that are affecting our sleep. And the longer they continue, the harder they are to break.

Shoe Assortment
Choosing the right footwear for your feet is crucial for avoiding foot problems in the future. Our feet can spend twelve hours or more each day squashed into ill-fitting shoes, so it's no surprise many of us end up with blisters, corns and bunions.

Feet tend to be one of the most neglected areas of the body with priority given to style or price rather than comfort or fit when buying shoes. However, choosing the right footwear doesn't have to mean sacrificing your sense of fashion if you want to look after your feet.

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Hi and thanks for visiting my blog!

My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

I hope you enjoyed your visit here and come back soon :-)