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Trying to lose weight is never enjoyable and must be one of life's hardest challenges. But it doesn't have to be. For many people, the first diet is never the last, simply because they fall into the same pitfalls time and again.

By avoiding the 10 biggest weight loss mistakes, you're far more likely to make your next diet a success.

1. Selective memory

Dieters tend to have a selective memory when they're trying to remember what they've eaten each day. But those little nibbles and tastes here and there soon add up. By keeping a food diary and writing down everything you've eaten or drunk during the day is one of the most valuable tips for keeping your diet on track.

2. Skipping meals

Believing that skipping breakfast will save calories is one of the most common mistakes dieters make. Numerous research studies prove that skipping breakfast leads to sugar cravings, making you more likely to reach for a high sugar treat. Eating little and often is the best way to stave off hunger pangs.

3. Daily weighing

Weighing yourself each day will only convince you that your diet isn't working. Body weight can fluctuate by two pounds or more throughout the day, most of which is due to water loss or gain. The most accurate way of monitoring your progress is to weigh yourself once a week on the same day at the same time.

4. Sauces and dressings

This is where the majority of hidden calories lie. Sure, they make pasta and salads more palatable but they're loaded with calories. Instead of creamy sauces and oily dressings, try swapping them for tomato-based sauces and fat-free dressings. Not only will this will save hundreds of calories, you'll also speed up your weight loss.

5. Portion control

Portion sizes have increased beyond recognition in the last decade. This has led to us overloading our plates with far more food than we need. Practice weighing your portions according to the nutrition labels on the packaging and see how far you're out. As a general guide, serving sizes should be roughly the same size as your fist.

6. Speed dieting

Many of us are guilty of crash dieting for a special occasion while hoping for a speedy weight loss. But such diets are doomed to failure. Why? Because depriving ourselves leads to blood sugar levels falling, resulting in cravings for sweet or rich foods. Set yourself small, but realistic weight loss targets of around one to two pounds a week.

7. Bad habits

You've reached your target weight, but before you know it, the weight starts creeping back on again. One of the major causes of regaining weight is by falling back into old eating habits. However, you don't have to give up your favorite foods. You can still indulge now and again, just not every day.

8. Low fat or low calorie

Low fat foods often contain more calories than the regular variety. While choosing low fat foods over higher fat options is usually wise, it doesn't always follow that they're low calorie. Often when fat is removed from a product, it's replaced by sugar. So don't forget to check the calorie content.

9. Not exercising

Unless you have the metabolism of a marathon runner, you'll have to include some form of exercise to lose weight. Just 20 minutes a day of any exercise that raises your heart rate will increase your metabolism, helping you to burn off extra calories and lose weight faster.

10. Drinks not included

Nearly all drinks apart from water contain calories. Healthy choices like fruit juice contain loads of sugar and most alcoholic drinks are high in calories, as are milky coffees and smoothies. So don't forget to include your drinks in your calorie count.

Why not give yourself a head start on your next diet by avoiding the 10 biggest weight loss mistakes. You'll keep motivated, stay on track and finally shed those excess pounds. And as long as don't slip back into old habits, your next diet really might be your last.


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Hi and thanks for visiting my blog!

My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

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