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Dandruff is a non-contagious, common skin disorder that can affect adults and the young. Dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis, also known as cradle cap in infants, is an excessive production of skin cells caused by the Malassezia yeast (a type of fungus).

When this occurs on the scalp, it leads to a build of greasy scales which eventually start falling off in large amounts, causing the white, flaky appearance of dandruff. Symptoms of dandruff can come and go, sometimes related to hormones or worsening in winter.

There isn’t a cure and once you have dandruff, treating and getting rid of it is an ongoing process. Fortunately there are many excellent products that effectively control dandruff, even very severe cases. It’s usually a matter of experimenting with different products to find what works best for you.

Step 1

Mild dandruff: 

Mild cases of dandruff, such as the odd flake here and there, can often be solved simply by washing your hair more frequently. Wash your hair every day for a week while thoroughly massaging your scalp to help dislodge loose flakes and see whether this helps.

Step 2

Zinc pyrithione:

Popular anti-dandruff shampoos such as Head & Shoulders are very good at getting rid of dandruff. Their main active ingredient is called zinc pyrithione, an antibacterial and antifungal agent which helps slow down the production of new skin cells.

Head & Shoulders Shampoo

These shampoos must be used regularly and left on the scalp for long enough to allow the ingredients to penetrate the layers of skin cells. These shampoos are gentle, smell lovely and usually have many varieties suitable for different hair types.

Step 3


This is another anti-dandruff shampoo using a different fungicide called ketoconazole. So if a shampoo such as Head & Shoulders doesn’t work, you could try Nizoral shampoo which can be more effective. This should be used about four times a week until dandruff has gone, then as often as needed.

Nizoral anti dandruff shampoo

Step 4

Coal Tar:

Severe cases of dandruff and itchy scalps often respond well to coal tar based shampoos such as T/Gel. These go to work by chemically treating and exfoliating the excess skin cells on the scalp as well as relieving any associated itching.

The main active ingredient in these shampoos is coal tar extract in varying degrees depending on which strength shampoo you buy. Although effective, the coal tar smell is hard to disguise. It’s suitable for dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.

T Gel therapeutic shampoo

Step 5

Natural remedies: 

Try rubbing olive oil into your scalp then leaving it for an hour before washing it out with a regular shampoo. This helps to soften any scales, making them easier to dislodge when washing your hair afterwards. Tea tree oil is a very effective proven natural remedy for treating dandruff. Its antifungal and antibacterial properties make it ideal for treating the cause of dandruff. You can either add a few drops of the oil to your regular shampoo or buy a special tea tree oil shampoo.

What You Will Need 
  • Olive oil 
  • Tea tree oil 
  • Anti-dandruff shampoo 
  • Coal tar shampoo 
  • Regular hair washing 
  • Regular hair brushing 

Tips and Warnings 
  • Severe cases of psoriasis may require prescriptive treatment; 
  • Using permanent hair dyes can reduce the natural yeast fighting bacteria on your scalp, thereby aggravating dandruff symptoms. A semi-permanent may colorant may help; 
  • Dandruff can be hormonal and stress-related leading to greasier hair and an increase in dandruff symptoms; Don’t scratch your scalp as it may lead to an infection; 
  • Frequent use of coal tar products can increase photosensitivity or turn blond hair yellow; 
  • Chemical-based hair styling products can irritate the scalp. Swapping to natural or organic products might help.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

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