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During the daylight hours, a city can seem like a relatively safe place, as long as there are plenty of other people around. As the theory goes, there is safety in numbers. But even so, unfamiliarity with the city streets can lead a woman alone into danger, even more so once darkness falls. Being aware of the possible situations which can befall a woman alone on city streets, as well as taking sensible precautions to prevent them, can help you feel safer while reducing your likelihood of becoming a victim of crime.

Beware of pickpockets

Although it may feel safer with crowds around you, large cities are notorious for harboring pickpockets. They'll either deftly remove your purse on the pretense of asking you the time, or take the brash approach and snatch your bag and run away. Don’t make it easy for thieves to take your belongings. When walking around city streets, keep your bag slung across your body rather than hanging off your arm and ensure it's properly closed, not half open, revealing your worldly goods inside. Also, keep any valuables well hidden, such as expensive jewelry or gadgets which are likely to attract attention.

Carry a personal alarm

While a personal alarm won’t help you defend yourself against a potential assailant, they can buy you time to escape. There are a variety of personal alarms for women including hand held gadgets which let out an ear piercing screech when depressed. These may be enough to frighten an assailant away or alert others in the nearby vicinity who could come to your aid. Other alarms spray a dye onto the attacker which stains their clothing or skin for up to a week, making it easy for police to identify them.

Take a self defense course

Knowing how to defend yourself against an attacker can instill a sense of confidence, which in itself, can be enough to deter a potential attacker. There are various self defense courses for women, for example, Krav Maga. Rather than teach you how to do Matrix- style moves, Krav Maga shows you how to prevent, avoid, deter or deal with violent threats and attacks, even those which involve weapons.

Take a cab

If you're out in a club, bar or restaurant and end up drinking too much, you’re likely to become less aware of your surroundings, making you vulnerable. Never venture onto the streets alone when you’re intoxicated, even if you only have a short way to walk. Likewise, don't leave with someone you’ve only just met, no matter how trustworthy they seem. Either leave with a group of well known friends and continue walking with them until you're safely back at home, or better still, take a licensed cab which can deliver you straight to your doorstep.

Choose your route carefully

When walking through city streets at night, stick to those which are well lit and preferably where there are several other pedestrians. If you come across suspicious looking people, for example, a man who seems to be watching or following you, or a group of aggressive looking youths, avoid walking directly past them and if possible, use another route. Never take short cuts through alley ways or parks, even if it saves you time walking a longer route. It's not worth taking a risk with your life for the sake of saving a few steps.

Crowded cities may seem relatively safe for a woman alone. However, anywhere there are large groups of people, there will always be those among them looking for easy prey to rob or attack. Therefore, women alone on the city streets should never become complacent, no matter how streetwise or confident they feel. But taking precautions such as carrying a personal alarm, not taking shortcuts in quiet streets, or even learning self defense, can help ensure you stay safe as a woman alone on city streets and not become another crime statistic.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

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