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Mineral-based makeup is extremely popular now and is a natural alternative to chemical-based makeup. La Bella Donna hails from the US where the brand was developed by a US mother and daughter team Kathy and Nicole Tracy who wanted to develop a healthy alternative to traditional makeup. Their range of mineral-based products are highly recommended by dermatologists and plastic surgeons and are particularly suitable for those with sensitive, problem or allergy prone skin as well as post-operative coverage.

Products made by La Bella Donna are all mineral-based formulas made from natural elements-mineral-based pigments to provide a natural looking color. They also contain a non-chemical sub block (SPF 20) which is essential for sun protection.

La Bella Donna concealer comes in a small, lightweight, silver plastic 4g pot with a screw on lid and a clear Perspex centre so you can inspect the contents. There are four shades to choose from with 1 being the lightest and 4 the darkest. The consistency is similar to a cream blusher, quite firm to the touch but creamy.

It is waterproof, therefore long lasting so you’ll only need to apply it once a day. It’s also incredibly lightweight and it doesn’t feel like you’re wearing makeup at all. And for those staying out late and too tired to wash off their makeup before bed, don’t worry. It’s perfectly healthy for your skin to leave this makeup on overnight. And it will still be there in the morning!

You have to supply your own brush to apply it, otherwise you can use your fingers. I use a fine, soft makeup brush about half a cm wide which works really well. You need to lightly wipe the brush onto the concealer, then dab it onto the areas you wish to ‘conceal’. You can either use the brush or your ring finger to blend it in. Personally, I find it’s really easy blending using the brush alone.

Using a concealer this way feels like almost makes me feel like a ‘professional makeup artist’. It takes a moment to apply and I use it on most days, often on its own as a quick touch up for under eye circles or the odd blemish.

After using it almost daily for around 10 months, about one quarter used up so it’s exceptionally good value. Products made by La Bella Donna aren’t generally available in shops. Instead they’re more likely to be found in Spa treatment centers, for example beautyworkswest in the UK. Alternatively, you can purchase from labelladonna.com or Amazon - La Bella Donna Mineral Eraser 0.14 oz.

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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

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