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non surgical facelift source: reviveholisticbeauty.comThe rate that facial skin ages is different from person to person with factors such as diet, environment and genes all playing their part. But one trait affecting both men and women reaching their 40's, are the subtle and not so welcome changes to their face.

Once defined jaw lines become slack and blur into jowls, while loose skin around the eyes and nose start drooping, giving the face a haggard, gaunt or tired appearance.

Though creams and serums can do wonders for moisturizing and protecting skin from the elements, they usually have little effect on tightening or firming sagging skin. This is often the time when thoughts first turn to the idea of having a facelift.

Facelift without surgery

For years the most effective way of turning back the hands of time meant undergoing a surgical facelift. While this addresses the problem of sagging skin, it doesn’t take into account the loss of volume which naturally occurs with age. And not everyone wants to submit to the surgeon’s knife or pay exorbitant costs for surgery. Fortunately, a less drastic alternative can be achieved through a non surgical facelift. Not only do they avoid the stigma associated with surgery, they are considerably cheaper while producing amazing results.

Facial exercises

Facial exercises are a completely natural way of achieving a facelift. Learning to control individual facial muscles through specially devised exercises improves poor muscle tone while increasing production of collagen and elastin, both vital components of youthful looking skin. This helps lift and firm up areas of loose skin anywhere on the face or neck. These exercises cost nothing but time and commitment to maintain the routines. As with most forms of exercise, the more often they are done, the better the results. And the beauty of doing facial exercises is the flexibility to fit them in at a time that’s most convenient.

Microcurrent stimulation

This method of non surgical facelift is a step up from facial exercises. The same principles are applied whereby the underlying muscles are exercised, only this time a device is held against the skin which emits tiny, painless electrical currents causing the muscles to rapidly contract. This gives facial muscles a mini workout and with regular use, skin becomes noticeably lifted and toned. This treatment can be given in a salon, but the most popular choice is using a hand held gadget for home use.


Injectable artificial fillers offer a temporary alternative to a facelift. Rather than pulling the skin tight as undergone with surgery, fillers are used to replace fat loss while serving to restore the supple, bouncy plumpness associated with youthful skin. They can fill out gaunt areas such as under eye hollows and nose to mouth lines while smoothing away wrinkles caused by expression lines.

As fillers gradually dissolve over time, they need to be topped up after a year or two depending on the filler used. The procedures are virtually pain free and while there may be some redness after the injections, this can be covered with makeup and normal activities can be resumed straight away.


Lasers are growing in popularity for providing an effective anti-aging treatment for rejuvenating sagging and wrinkled skin. Although there are several different types of laser therapies used for providing non surgical facelifts, they generally work on the same principle where light penetrates into the deeper layers of skin, causing skin to tighten. Results can be quite dramatic, with wrinkles disappearing, turkey necks smoothing and jaw lines or double chins becoming more defined. Generally, more than one treatment is recommended but they can shave five or more years off the overall appearance.

Which is the best solution

Choosing the best solution for a non surgical facelift is a personal decision. However, points to consider include the costs involved and the time taken to see improvements. While facial exercises or electrical devices are cheaper options, it may be many weeks or months before noticeable results are seen, plus the routines must be continued on a daily or weekly basis. On the other hand, opting for laser treatment or fillers will give faster results but they come at a higher price.

Today’s non surgical facelift treatments provide increasing choices for anyone thinking of having a facelift but doesn’t relish the prospect of surgery. Non surgical facelifts offer a more natural, youthful looking appearance in contrast to the stretched, ‘wind tunnel’ look that can occur after a surgical facelift.

Choosing a facelift without surgery has made holding back the years easier and more attainable than ever before.

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