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It's not always easy reducing the fat in the diet, but learning how to cook the low fat way is a good place to start. Many people cook using methods they were taught when growing up, which for some, could mean deep frying everything in unhealthy oil.

However, by making a few changes to the cooking methods used, it's possible to considerably reduce fat levels while making a far healthier and tasty meal.

When to use fats

Some foods are naturally lower in fat than others. For instance, most red meat has a higher fat content than poultry or fish. Therefore, when you're cooking red meat, you should rarely have to add any extra fat or oils. Sometimes it's necessary to add a little oil to prevent food sticking, but this can be minimized by using an oil spray.


One of the best cooking methods for low fat meals is grilling and most types of food can be grilled without the addition of any extra fat. To prevent meat or poultry from drying out, either baste or marinate with stock to keep food nice and moist while adding extra flavor.

Stir frying

Stir frying, popular in Oriental cooking, is one of the quickest and healthiest methods for making low fat meals. Generally this type of cooking requires little or no extra fat. Because the food is cooked rapidly at a high heat, fewer vitamins and minerals are lost and vegetables retain their vibrant colors. For the best results, all food added to a stir fry should be finely chopped to a similar size to ensure even cooking. If food becomes a little dry, just add a little stock, water or soy sauce to the wok or pan.

Dry frying

Ground beef is particularly suited to dry frying since the cooking process releases much of the fat content from within the meat. Steaks, chops and sausages are also good candidates for dry drying without the need for any extra oil. To further reduce the fat content after cooking, place the food onto paper towels to mop up any excess fat.


Griddling requires very little in the way of fat. Generally, the griddle pan only needs a light wipe of oil to prevent the food from sticking. During cooking, any excess fat simply drains into the grooves of the grill pan. Once the food is cooked, the pan can be tipped on a slant to allow further draining, and food can be blotted with paper towels to remove any remaining fat. Griddling works well with most types of food including meat, fish, poultry and vegetables.


Steaming is another method where no fat is necessary. It works particularly well with fish which can easily become dry if overcooked using cooking methods such as frying or grilling. To seal in flavor, juices and nutrients, wrap fish into sealed foil pouches together with any herbs or seasoning, then steam or bake. The fish cooks in its own flavorsome juices while absorbing the delicate taste of the herbs. And steaming vegetables in a little water is one of the healthiest methods of cooking as they retain most of their vitamins and minerals.

Many people are actively trying to lower their fat intake by cooking low fat food. Fortunately, cooking your own low fat meals doesn't have to mean adding unhealthy fats or oils to make them tasty. Many low fat cooking methods require little or no extra fat but result in a more flavorsome and healthier dish. And whichever food you're cooking, it's reassuring to know there is a method that's perfectly suited to ensure your meal remains low fat and healthy.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

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