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If you have trouble sleeping, one solution worth trying is an eye mask. By blocking out the light you’re less likely to be woken by early morning light entering your bedroom.

I’ve spent years searching out the perfect eye mask. Most of them are hopelessly inadequate. They’re either unbearably uncomfortable to sleep in or they’re made of cheap and nasty nylon material.

I eventually found the perfect solution from a company called aromahome.
Aroma Home began trading in 1997 under the name AromaCushion but in 2004 changed to the name Aroma Home. As well as eye masks they sell many other products such as heatable products and gift items. I originally found them while searching through ebay, but I now purchase them directly from their website. They also sell their products at retails outlets around the UK.

The eye masks are beautifully designed and are so comfortable to sleep in that you barely notice it’s on. They come in a range of four colours: black, purple, pink and blue and the cost is £9.99. The outside of the mask is made from soft silk and the back is covered with a soft velvety velour material.

The elasticated part which goes around your head to keep it on, is covered with ruched silk so you never have any uncomfortable elastic pressing against your head. It’s filled with lavender seeds which provide a lovely relaxing aroma to help send you off to sleep. Lavender is claimed to help induce sleep. They are excellent at blocking out light. Even if someone turns on a light, it doesn’t filter through.

These masks are washable. However, after a couple of washes the lavender loses its potency and eventually disappears altogether. The only other problem I have with the masks is that over time, usually around 6 months, the elastic seems to lose it’s tightness and becomes very loose. When this happens, I often wake during the night to find the mask has slipped either up too far above my eyes or else it’s fallen down over my face.

So, if you’re looking for a comfortable and efficient eye mask, you really can’t go wrong with one of these from Aroma Home. It’s simple to order from their online site and they arrive within a few days of placing the order. Aroma Home Silk Eye Mask

Range of colors available


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

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