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As much as we love spoiling our dogs and treating them as one of the family, the fact remains, they are not human. As such, their digestive systems aren't equipped to deal with the wide variety of foods that humans eat. While they may look forward to a tasty piece of chicken skin or finishing off the remainder of your cake, you aren't doing them any favors in the long term. Aside from that, there are many foods that simply aren't suitable for dogs to eat while others are potentially fatal.

Healthy eating

Dogs love eating and will happily consume almost anything. Therefore it's up to his owners to ensure he's eating the right food. Dogs don't need a wide variety of food to keep them healthy. As long as they're eating their regular dog food and sticking to the recommended amount for their breed there is no need for leftovers.

Leftovers aren’t a good idea because most dogs will eat far more than they need. Obesity is as much of a problem in the dog world as it is with humans. And that's down to feeding dogs too many treats and leftovers. You may think you're being kind to your dog by offering him a slice of pizza as you sit down to eat yours. However, you could be feeding him rather more than you realize. For instance, even one small plain cookie or a slice of buttered toast fed to a one and a half stone dog is the equivalent to a five foot three person eating a hamburger!

Foods to avoid

Some foods are fine for dogs to eat in small quantities but others can cause stomach upsets or are extremely toxic. Foods which should never be given to dogs in any quantity due to their toxic effects include chocolate, fudge, candy, onions, nuts, avocados, coffee, alcohol, tea, grapes, raisins and anything containing artificial sweeteners. Possible effects can be anything from vomiting and diarrhea to seizures, kidney failure or death.

Processed foods, particularly those high in fat, sugar and salt should be avoided or restricted to very small portions given on rare occasions. Example foods include pizza, cakes and chips. Giving them fatty meat or skin can lead to vomiting and never give them cooked chicken bones as they're liable to snap causing choking or internal injury.

Safe leftovers

Unless you're eating a very healthy diet, there isn't too much in the way of leftovers you can safely feed your dog. The only food you should consider are things like cooked chicken (no fat or skin), cooked meat and fish, eggs and cooked vegetables.

Carbohydrates such as white rice or pasta which shouldn't be smothered in a sauce. Sauces often contain high levels of salt or fat and could have ingredients such as onions which can upset their digestion. Plain bread is OK, but not too much as the salt content can be high in some loaves. Plain potatoes (baked or boiled) with no salt or fat added. Dairy is mostly a no go area for dogs but cottage cheese or plain yogurt without sugar or sweeteners are easier to digest.

Not all dogs react the same way to different types of food. So you could find one of the ‘safe’ foods doesn't agree with your dog and you'll just have to put it down to experience and remember not to feed it to them again.

When to feed

The best time to feed your dog his meal is after everyone else has finished theirs. By doing this he's less likely to be troubling you for more food after he's gobbled his own meal down. Also, you'll be able to judge whether or not the leftovers constitute enough for an entire meal or needs topping up with his dog food. Also make sure you feed him in his own feeding area, preferably away from where the humans are dining.

It's very tempting to want to feed your dog leftovers from your plate, especially when he's sitting at your feet, gazing adoringly up at you. But once he's used to receiving your leftovers, it's a habit that's very hard to break. Also, not everything left on your plate is going to be suitable for them. As well as the possibility of it making them ill, eating too many snacks is the quickest way to obesity. To keep your dog healthy and at his optimum weight, stick to giving him his own food at regular times of the day and save the ‘treats’ for very rare occasions.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

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