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Frownies for Forehead and Between Eyes
Wrinkles, love them or hate them, there's no escaping the fact getting older means more of them. While many of us spend a fortune on face creams, others venture down the Botox route, forking out obscene amounts of money to have a deadly nerve paralyzing toxin injected into their skin.

But there is another, safer, less expensive and all natural alternative, Frownies. I discovered these little miracles by chance while frantically searching online for something to help remove my ever deepening forehead lines. And once I tried Frownies, I was hooked.

What are Frownies

Frownies have been used for over 100 years and were the favored method of Hollywood film stars for defying wrinkles. They're made from unbleached paper with an adhesive on the back. They come perforated so you just tear off however many you need at the time. They're available in two types: Frownies for forehead and between eyes and Frownies for corners of eyes and mouth.

They work at smoothing out your facial lines by holding your skin flat during the time you have them on. The instructions recommend leaving Frownies on for a minimum of three hours or overnight. Since they are very noticeable, the best time to wear them is overnight or while you're sleeping.

Applying and Removing Frownies

It takes a bit of practice learning how to apply them and you might need someone to help you the first time. After moisturizing your face, you moisten the back of a Frownie with water then stretch your skin tight while sticking the Frownie on. Then you hold the Frownie firmly in place for a minute while it sets. And that's it.

You'll find that you if you try raising your eyebrows, your forehead won't move. The same applies to other areas with a Frownie on. They aren't uncomfortable but you are aware of their presence!

Removing Frownies takes a bit longer. You need to moisten them again and then slowly peel them off. It takes a little while for them to become wet enough to easily peel off otherwise it's a bit like pulling off a sticking plaster but not quite so painful.

The Results

When I first peeled off my Frownies, I was blown away. The deep lines on my forehead had all but disappeared. What a confidence booster. One night of wearing Frownies had achieved what no amount of skin creams had ever come close to.
Towards the end of the day my lines are making their presence known once more. However, what Frownies do promise is with frequent use, your facial muscles are gradually retrained over time. And since I've been using mine on and off on my forehead for a few years now this is definitely the case. Where they didn't work so well was on the lines around my eyes which I did find disappointing. So whether or not they'll work for everyone probably depends on how much you use different facial muscles.

Anyone who’s worried about their facial lines and isn’t having much success with face creams, I'd say give Frownies a go. At $19.99 for a box of 144, you’ve got nothing to lose except a few pesky wrinkles.


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My name's Caroline and I live in London. I'm a freelance writer and nutritionist, so you'll find a lot of my articles are health based.

I'm also passionately interested in skincare. Although the food we eat has the most noticeable effects on our skin, the skincare products we use has a large part to play.

As such, I often write product reviews and other articles on dealing with skincare and anti-aging.

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