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Your racquet is your main weapon when playing a game of tennis. And one of the key components of your racquet is the grip size since this can make all the difference to your match play. If it's too large you're forced to squeeze the handle tighter than necessary. But, if it's too small you need more muscle strength to prevent the handle spinning round.  Either way, using the wrong grip could result in wrist, arm or elbow problems. So here is some advice on figuring out your correct grip.

Measuring Your Grip
There are a couple of useful techniques for working out your correct sized grip. The easiest method involves holding your racquet with your usual forehand grip. Next, try and fit your index finger from your opposite hand into the space beneath the palm and tips of your fingers holding the racquet. If you can't fit your finger in the space, your grip is too small. If there is extra space either side of your finger, the grip is too large.

For a more accurate measurement, hold your tennis playing hand out flat with your fingers straight and palm facing upwards. Now take a ruler and align it from the tip of the ring finger to the middle crease of your palm. You should find it measures somewhere between four and five inches.

Grip Sizes

Once you have your measurement, choosing your correct grip size easy. Racqets are measured in both US and European sizes with women typically using L1 (4 1/8), L2 (4 1/4) or L3 (4 3/8) and men L3 (4 3/8), L4 (4 ½) or L5 (4 5/8).

Try holding several different racquets before you buy. And choose a racquet that feels comfortable. If you're in any doubt, choose one with a smaller grip. It's almost impossible to make a grip size smaller but you can always increase the size by adding an over-grip.

Junior Grips

When choosing a new racquet for a child it’s best to allow them to practice holding different racquets in the store to get an idea of what feels most comfortable. The majority of junior racquets don't vary their grip, with overall racquet size and weight being of greater importance.

Some branded racquets such as Wilson do have junior sizes, for example L00 (3 7/8) for an average 10 year old. If you’re in any doubt, opt for a larger grip as they'll grow into it. However, children over the age of around 12 should be able to use adult sized racquets.

Choosing the right grip is important not only for the ease and comfort of holding your racquet, it can lower your risk of suffering from complications such as tennis elbow. It only takes a minute to check your grip size. If you get this right you'll be able to play tennis with greater confidence and win more matches, which is what the game is all about after all.


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